Yes, it’s the last of these “Oh crap, I need to make some extra comics to test out the post system!” comics.

(Historical Notes: Okay, here comes the classic “Present Me critiques Past Me” moment.  I think the punchline of this whole set of comics is kind of botched here.  The idea was supposed to be a warped version of one of those sappy “be true to who you are” type morals, just about horrifyingly gross blood and guts stuff… but I think Past Me was a bit too afraid of the sappiness and over-compensated on Ichabod’s dry, analytical misdirection.  If I were to fully re-write this page, I’d have Ichabod focus on those failed attempts to export their media, and say it’s the exporting that was the problem all along.  Instead of trying to re-fashion their unique style to be more appealing to everybody else, they should instead focus on only marketing to the types of people who like what they’re already doing… who just so happen to the the only sort of people who’d be able to make it through the ordeal of arriving on the planet in the first place.  If nothing else, putting it that way would stand less of a chance of the point getting lost in the technobabble.  I was even slightly tempted to re-write the text on this page, but I very quickly realized that a re-write would deviate from the existing art too far.  After how long it took me to just re-edit a bit of line art, you’d better believe I wasn’t about to draw any new pages from scratch.

All that griping aside, I remember being fairly pleased with the end result of this first Patreon posting.  If nothing else, it gave me a chance to try and recapture that KSoDD high by doing another solo story of Ichabod actually doing some Nitpicking again.)