I left myself at a considerable disadvantage in trying to do this comic this way, seeing as how I’ve never once set foot inside a Disney theme park.

Also, I have NO idea how a whole galaxy’s worth of planets connected by tubes is supposed to work, even by Far Out There’s fuzzy science.

(Historical Notes: See, this is the thin line I constantly find myself having to walk in Far Out There’s vague science fiction rules.  Objectively speaking, there’s been PLENTY of other things that make even less sense than these interplanetary tubes, but most of them aren’t as OBVIOUS as this.  I don’t really care if the idea holds up under scrutiny or not, I just care if it INVITES scrutiny in the first place.  And I dunno about you, but for me this is the kind of idea that just attracts too much attention to itself for too little reason.  So even setting aside the whole “Disney” aspect, don’t expect me to revisit this gag again… at least, not to this extreme level.  Like, I dunno, maybe an asteroid belt where everything’s connected by tubes?  I’d have a much easier time letting the improbability of THAT slide.)