Aborted Arc 6
(Historical Notes: Funny that I should go through the trouble of coming up with a new design for Pattie’s glasses mere pages ago, then follow with a page that shows Claire in HER old glasses that needed to be changed. I really went to the granny glasses well too many times in this comic’s early days, didn’t I? And just for the record, yes. I really did go so far as actually inking the first page in this arc despite not having ANY clue where it was going after that point. Really, it was mostly to play around with this idea of one scene broken it no three panels happening simultaneously. Remember, Past Me was WAY too obsessed with playing around with the very format of sequential art back in the day. I probably just viewed any potential story as an excuse to play around with panel formats, and you can see where THAT got us.)
i have always loved the creative panel layout.
wonderful twist for this idea, both parties were actually intending to miss ichabod, and were impersonating their enemies hoping to trick the nitpickers nitpicker protection detail to kill off their enemies. the nitpicker guild being so effective isn’t a bug, its the feature. you can’t hire nitpickers to kill your enemies, they aren’t a mercenary guild. but they are more effective than any mercenary guild. if you can trick your enemy into attacking a nitpicker you don’t have to fight them anymore. but since most people dumb enough to do that are already dead, impersonating them to stage an attempt on nitpickers your self is the new bad idea.
Stilez can also be used for that same indirect assassination method.
someone has or will try to assassinate Ichabod with Stilez. that would be such a glorious scene
Nobody was trying to kill Ichabod.
Each of the weapons was sent by an alternate universe Ichabod to save Ichabod, because each alternate universe Ichabod thought that the other alternate Universe Ichabod was trying to kill Ichabod when the each of the alternate universe Ichabods detected a weapon being sent from the other alternate universe.
a stereo typical investigator declares it a suicide attempt in an attempt to close the case early and not need to do actual work