Still a quick little comics I bashed together so I could work out how to format & edit these posts.

(Historical Notes: For context, 2015 Patreon looked a LOT different from 2024 Patreon.  Even if you’re not actually a patron and don’t know what the site looks like now, just know that this old comic blog template I’m using for this site is actually MORE advanced than what the basic Patreon layout at the time was.  Specifically, there was no tag system yet, so I was having to manually work out a way of putting links in the comment section of every post to that multi-part comics could be read in order.  It took a lot of brain power to keep straight, so while I’ll give Past Me grief for posting the original version of these comics in a very sorry state, I don’t blame myself at all for having trouble getting used to the act of posting things)