Still a silly little short comic I whipped up so I’d have something to put in these first test posts.

(Historical Notes: Incidentally, when I say these comics look better now, I don’t just mean the fact that I cleaned up the line art a bit.  This is currently the only place on The Internet where you’re going to find these comics in their proper image quality, and that includes Patreon itself.  I’m not sure what actually happened, but at some point a lot of the REALLY old Patreon posts had their image quality severely compressed.  Like, even worse than what SmackJeeves did back in its final days.  Seriously, they look like they were all shrunk down to thumbnails, then stretched back out to full size, artifacting and all.  When I finally noticed, I STARTED replacing the affected images with clean copies, because I still have the big ol’ master copies of just about everything, but I didn’t get much further than swapping out all the Jenna comics before it just got to be too much.  I mean, just look at how long it can take me to re-post stuff here.  Even I can get worn out by too much tedium.

Also, HOW HAVE I NEVER REFERENCED BLOODBEAST THE CLOWN IN ANYTHING ELSE?  That totally needs to be a recurring gag!)