Bet you all forgot this was even a thing, right?  Those who pledged five dollars or more got to see a plot summary with all the important nouns left blank.  They then got to fill in those blanks, Mad Lib style, so that I could draw some comics based on the results.  Our settup, courtesy of Doctor Hunter Ando:

Ram Quatzi & Madam Ventricle are hanging out at Disney Galaxy hoping to find the Manos Idol made out of Jell-o

So, yeah, that’s what I had to make four or five pages of comic out of.  Let’s see if I pulled it off!

(Historical Notes: More authentic vintage commentary from the original posts!  Now, the obvious thing for me to comment on here is how this is another instance of contemporary pop cultural references that I normally wouldn’t include in Far Out There these days.  However, I can’t help zeroing in on the very first line of that commentary.  This comic was originally posted on Patreon in mid-October 2015.  I didn’t even START posting content on Patreon before that September.  Poor innocent Past Me actually thought it was worth commenting on when just a few WEEKS passed between me talking about doing something and be actually getting it one.  Oh, I was so young and full of life once…)