I could make a joke here about Torgo being a waiter, but I’ve worked in the restaurant industry. That’s not an unlikely development at all.

Well, that’s it for our first Far Out There Madlib! Sorry it took so long, I’ll make a point of not scheduling future ones at the same time as a Conventional Wisdom update. Which reminds me, there’s not going to be a Jenna comic this week, since I kinda sorta already did FIVE extra pages this week. Gotta permit myself at least SOME kind of a break every so often, right?

(Historical Notes: I easily could have cut out that second paragraph, but I want to preserve just what an utterly INSANE schedule I used to operate under, if only to put into perspective all the times I DON’T get things done in a timely manner these days.  To think there was actually a time when I thought getting Jenna comics done in a weekly basis was so doable that it was worth apologizing over.  Also, we can see right off the back that my BIGGEST problem with these MadLib things was going to be figuring out how to end them…)