(Historical Notes: I dunno if I was in a hurry the night I finished this or what, but it’s clearly not finished. I mean, Tabitha not being colored in makes since as she’s in the background, but what’s up with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Bridget
(Historical Notes: I can’t remember if it was specifically a reader comment that started this whole chain off, or if I started it on my own and the feedback just kept it rolling, but this is where a LOT of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Okay, this one might not strike you as funky when you first glance at it, but I can ruin that real quick. Look at there both their hands are in relation to their knees. Them are some looooong[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I keep wanting to incorporate video games more into Far Out There but it never seems to happen. I’m sure the fact that I so rarely play video games anymore doesn’t help.)
(Historical Notes: I dunno what Alphonse is so scared off. This is still the Far Out There universe. Even in the movies, all the blood and gore is off-screen.)
(Historical Notes: Now THIS, on the other hand, is one of the better action shots if done, if you ask me. All the more impressive considering the crazy proportions at work here.)
(Historical Notes: I don’t like it much either. That’s not one of the better monsters I’ve drawn, if you ask me. Like, it looks like I drew a mouth full of teeth and then just gave up.)
(Historical Notes: I started to write that I hadn’t worked out the ruined creepy planet where the Caligari’s live actually works… but to be honest, I’m still not sure.)
(Historical Notes: In retrospect, I regret drawing Tabitha as playing a guitar. She totally seems more like a bass player.)