(Historical Notes: Oh man, can you imagine just how much time Present Day Me would burn on trying to make a wild and crazy nebula effect from scratch for a page like this today?)
Posts Tagged scifi
(Historical Notes: Holy cow, I actually had to create a new “wall of text” tag for this page. Have we really gone this long on the Incentives without a page that deserved it? Dang, Voting Incentives really ARE a different[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I think I must have had one of those rubber suction cup balls on hand when I drew this.)
(Historical Notes: Okay, as much as I love having the ability to put tags on these pages, it DOES make for an awkward string of spoilers in these early pages. Also… was there supposed to be text on those signs? […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I will never get tired of slipping those headlines from old stock newspaper templates into random comics. Also… is that Daft Punk?)
(Voting Incentive: I seem to recall REALLY struggling with whether or not I should have made the beds here bigger to emphasize how small the twins are. Like, it doesn’t make sense for Tabitha to use beds that are the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Okay, now THIS one is all sorts of wrong. Layla wouldn’t do this to Trigger, Trigger wouldn’t say this, the art’s even more rubbish than usual, AAAAAND there’s no way Layla would invest in such clunky head-in-a-jar technology[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…