The best thing about this kind of comic format is I can GUARANTEE that whatever explanation you can imagine for how any of this would happen is funnier than whatever I made up.
Posts Tagged TWC
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And it only took me… HOW many years of saying I wanted to do more with these characters before I finally found an excuse to do so?
I want to go to there …and yeah! That’s it for the Stilez & Tax Adventures! To be honest, I’d actually meant to wrap it up a while ago, but I couldn’t nail down a new idea I wanted to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I can provide no explanation for what any of that headgear is supposed to be. It’s a meme from the future, we wouldn’t get it.
These are the low level enemies that you fight in order to level up before facing the big Stilez boss at the end of the level.