(Historical Notes: Oh my, THIS one was very popular. Sadly, there’s not many chances to see Little Baby Stilez, since there’s a whole lot about her past that remains shrouded in mystery, but I feel like a LOT of people[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged TWC
(Historical Notes: I’m tempted to make a Little Mermaid remake joke here, but at the rate things are going, I don’t think future readers would even remember what I was talking about. That Ichabod fish is downright horrifying, though.)
(Historical Notes: I’d be shocked if Past Me didn’t reuse the “their relationship in one image” joke again for this without realizing it’d already been done TWICE in recent memory.)
(Historical Notes: I’m a bit surprised that Past Me wasted this on a random Incentive doodle instead of saving it for a Halloween comic. I definitely believe Tabitha would dress Bridget up like this.)
(Historical Notes: Alphonse equals Schroeder. Also, that snippet of music up top is from Claude Debussy’s “Claire de lune,” a version of which just so happens to be on his character soundtrack that patron got a link to way back[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I went on a bit of a blaxploitation kick around this time, enough to put an abnormally large amount of work into this particular incentive. Heck, this is actually the second draft. The first one went up with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I have a surprisingly vivid memory of having absolutely no explanation for this even at the time it was drawn. In a way, that’s my favorite kind of Voting Incentive.)
(Historical Notes: Again, I knew VERY early on that I wanted there to be a sense of rivalry between Stilez and Bridget. Also, I really wish Past Me had bothered to erase more of the pencils around the screen. The[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Another event that more or less wound up happening for real in the comics a while down the line. And it’s really really weird when I can somehow find a way to even draw STILEZ looking too skinny.)