(Historical Notes: You know, it’s funny to look back and realize there was once a time where a sight like this WOULDN’T make Layla really angry. We were all so much mor innocent back then…)
Posts Tagged TWC
(Historical Notes: I can’t remember if it was specifically a reader comment that started this whole chain off, or if I started it on my own and the feedback just kept it rolling, but this is where a LOT of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Okay, this one might not strike you as funky when you first glance at it, but I can ruin that real quick. Look at there both their hands are in relation to their knees. Them are some looooong[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I can’t remember if this was deliberately meant to evoke this little flashback or not, but it’d be really dang cute if that’s what Past Me was going for.)
(Historical Notes: Okay, I’m pretty sure this was another one of those cases where I just started with a blank sheet and began doodling with no actual plan for what the result would be. Comparatively speaking, this is one of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I was strongly tempted to fudge the historical integrity of this Incentive collection and move this one a bit later, because I TOTALLY went on a journey with this idea right here, but not until it had percolated[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Oh man, I REALLY liked this one, right from the start. Arguably, Avatar looks a little… scrawny here, or at the very least the robe looks too thin. But the incorporation of the photo background, one of my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: And speaking of the delicate balance of playing around with fanservice: Layla’s containment suit! I do still stand by the general idea of doing am old-school pulp scifi spacesuit, which inevitable wound up being really form-fitting, and even[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Hey, Past Me? Could you maybe never draw Jenna in a bellydancer outfit again? That’d be great. Yeeeaaah, there’s a very delicate balance to doing parodies of fanservice without just, ya know, DOING fanservice that the entire anime/manga[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Okay, NOW there’s a trace of two of parody at work, if only in the sense of deliberately going for anime cliches. Also, just a bit of behind the scenes info, but I seem to recall having to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…