(Historical Notes: Ichabod is used to the answer to “What idiot would do THIS?” being “You, apparently.”)
Posts Tagged TWC
(Historical Notes: I am genuinely impressed that I managed to have this comic run as long as it did before our resident Nitpicker corrected somebody on this.)
(Historical Notes: Okay, I joked about not coloring these pages in, but this one really could have used some more details to make the explosion stand out against everything else, especially after all the teasing and build-up.)
(Historical Notes: Again, I wish I’d thought to have the top two panels be the LEFT two panels, and hand the bottom one with the robots be vertical on the whole right side. I’d finally realize shifting perspective to show[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Sometimes you just gotta cheat a little, like the bottom panel of this page basically showing the bottom of the door, but rendering the rest transparent. Showing the action from behind just seemed wrong, so this oddness was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Another instance of “remind the readers this thing exists” first, “make a funny punchline” second. I mean, it works ‘cos it’s still in keeping with Ichabod’s character to have his pickets full of random crap, so HOPEFULLY it’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Looking back, it’s honestly hard to tell how many of these little twists and turns and obstacles were planned out in advance, and how many were just me drawing one thing and then going “Hey wait, wouldn’t that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I should really have a tag for instances of not-even-trying technobabble in pages.)
(Historical Notes: The only thing more surprising than the number of times Ichabod has said that is the number of times he DIDN’T end up regretting it.)
(Historical Notes: Another page that bugs me, ans even bugged me back in the day, though in this case I’m honestly not sure what I should have done differently. Something about the “things fall in a different direction on the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…