(Historical Notes: I wonder how many people reading this the first time around got the extra layer of significance here? …beyond the obvious, I mean.)
Posts Tagged TWC
(Historical Notes: I believe Past Me had at least INTENDED to slip some shout-outs to familiar SciFi rayguns into the top panel, sort of like I did during the weapons black market sequence. If that were the plan, I either[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: …and here’s the rest of the exposition, tucked away at the FRONT of the following page, in hopes that the rest of the page will distract you from the set up you just received. I do kind of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Not only do I continue to love how Eric continues to be totally likable while also an unscrupulous pickpocket, but I also love how this bit serves the double duty of reminding us that Ichabod’s been gathering up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: This story arc went an inordinately longtime by Far Out There standards before hugs got involved.)
(Historical Notes: …but, of course, deep deep down, Ichabod’s too much of a softie to actually WALK his cynical talk, at least when other people are involved. I don’t think I’d even thought of Mariska at this point yet, but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: I legit want this to be, like, Ichabod’s motto in life. It totally fits with the worldview of a life-long nitpicker, and it’s not like it’s NOT true…)
(Historical Notes: Continuing with the various artist gripes, I really with the middle panel had been smaller, and he bottom panel a LOT bigger. Or, at least, Ichabod being a lot bigger to tower over Eric.)
(Historical Notes: At first I was going to moan that the lack of atmospherics kind of neutered the dramatic red light thing… but actually, I wish Past Me had thought to have more visible screens on the wall in previous[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Have I mentioned yet how distracting it is that Past Me colored in Ichabod’s overcoat sometimes, but not ever time? Cos it really is distracting me.)