(Historical Notes: So, this is one bit that I think would have been written differently if I’d actually committed to working this whole sequence into the main comic.  Specifically, Ichabod making Trigger talk would come across very differently depending on where on the timeline this conversation would have happened.  If this were happening BEFORE Layla went into that big long story about her Dad, Ichabod would be even more aggressive than he’s seen here, hoping to mine Trigger form some dirt on Layla since she’d been generally reluctant to talk about herself.  Ya know, potential leverage if she tried to mess with him again.  AFTER the whole flashback, however, I can’t picture Ichabod actively trying to wring ANOTHER Layla story out of anybody.  In fact, this page would probably consist of Ichabod trying to get OUT of the conversation, only for Trigger to have too much momentum built up to stop talking now.  But again, I decided to cut this whole sequence before I’d got that far, so instead we get this sort of generic version.)