(Historical Notes: Here it is, The Big One.  Like, literally.  Past Me was WAY too committed to squeezing all of this onto one single page, and the page got WAAAAAAAAY too big as a result.  And I don’t just mean that it’s too much to digest in one chunk, either.  It was literally too big to fit onto one page at my art program’s normal setting, and Past Me decided to deal with the problem in pretty much the worst way possible.  Rather than breaking this into multiple pages like I SHOULD have, or possibly messing with the settings of the program, I just scaled everything down further than normal to fit into the regular height of a project page, then cropped off the empty space on the sides.  The problem, of course, is that this left the text INEXCUSABLY small, and on the master copy too, so I can’t just re-scale the bits to fix this.  Instead I tried fiddling with the brightness/contrast settings to at least SOMEWHAT improve the state of the text, but that could only do so much.  If you want to see what this page looked like originally, these two images are closer to the original quality, though the text is still Legal Disclaimer Fine Print quality.  This is, of course, extra frustrating since this is the one place where the text actually IS canon.  This is officially what “really” happened between Layla and Pattie now, not what the original comics showed.  One of these days, I really am going to draw up a whole new set of comics to re-tell the opening arc in book form, and then we can finally see some of this stuff really happening, and NOT have to squint to read it.)