(Historical Notes: An important part of the creative process is being willing to at least entertain ANY potential idea, since you never know what’ll turn out to really work.  But an equally important part is the awareness of when those potential ideas DON’T work, and the willingness to ruthlessly call them out for what they are and kick them out without a second thought.  You know, like this.  And the worst thing is, as Southern White Trash myself, a part of be actually DOES like the idea of incorporating some of that background into a scifi context, just to be different from how everybody else does it.  There’s way too many cyberpunk metropolises these days, let’s have more futuristic trailer parks in the middle of nowhere!  But Lord knows THIS ain’t the way to do it.  Also, full on Alternate Dimensions aren’t really the kind of scifi that Far Out There has settled into the groove of doing anyway.  Like, I might throw in that kind of technobabble into a random page as funny dialog, but in terms of what we actually SEE, this tends to be the only layer of reality at work.  One universe is already complicated enough.)