(Historical Notes: Oh WOW was Past Me ever planning too far ahead on this one.  Then again, the prediction of the character designs changing WAS pretty spot on.  Starting from the right, we have the first glimpse of Kevin, looking WAY less disinterested in everything than he eventually would.  Next to him, believe it or not, is Disonar.  Between the lack of multi-colored hair and less-pointy glasses, pretty much the only thing recognizable about the guy here is the jacket.  And don’t forget: I hadn’t even thought of Astrid yet, so my understanding of Disonar as a character was every bit as unrecognizable as his design.  May, on the other hand, was pretty much nailed right off the bat.  But man, how weird is it to see this early appearance a whole DECADE ago from a character who even now is still “the new kid?”  Still, at least she’s been racking up appearances over all that time.  How ’bout that dude on the far left?  I’m 90% certain nobody would manage to piece this together without help, but that’s Lambert, Vashti’s kid brother.  Looks like he’s inherited May’s position as That One Character We Only See In Holiday Pages.  I do have a plan for the guy, it’s just reeeeeaaaaaaaly out in the distance.  One might even call it FAR OUT THERE… I’ll get my coat.)