(Historical Notes: Okay, this is obviously an EXTREMELY early doodle, and not just because I was still drawing Bridget & Alphonse with sort of antenna ears instead of the simpler pointy things they ended up having.  If you remember that Aborted Arcs set of Voting Incentives that probably won’t be re-posted here for a long while yet, then you already know the zombie twins we know and love today are the lone survivors of a MUCH darker story called Tabitha’s Kids.  I’ll save the ugly details for when I get those later Incentives up, but suffice it to say that I was strongly under the influence of Invader Zim/Johnny the Homicidal Maniac at the time.  Even after Tabitha’s Kids had been ditched and Bridget & Alphonse had been re-envisioned, I still temporarily held on to the idea of comedic sociopathy being a hallmark of The Caligari Family’s relationship.  Like, Tabitha would subject the kids to absurdly over-the-top cruel experiments without it even registering to anyone that it might be considered bad.  You can see the traces of Tabitha as we know her now lurking somewhere in the midst of that, but I obviously wound up MASSIVELY changing the tone and making everybody more lovable.  Not that I don’t still see the appeal in comedic sociopaths, mind you, I just find it way too hard to make them work as main characters in an on-going comedy.)