(Historical Notes: Well, I’d overhauled Bridget and Alphonse, so of course I had to start working on Tabitha as well!  Just look at her, on her way to Hot Topic.  This was a bit of a more arduous creative journey, in no small part because I also wound up altering ALL of Tabitha’s dimensions.  But hey, at least I can’t accuse Past Me of drawing her too skinny, right?  Also, I think I mention this in the commentary for the main comics too, but the idea of having Tabitha’s shirt be an MST3k reference would eventually be abandoned since, you know, I couldn’t sell merchandise from a shout-out to something else.  Not that I ever managed to sell much merch anyway, but the principle of making my own assets instead of borrowing from real world one is a smart move.  Oh, and once again, this is the Special Edition of the Incentive.  The original TWC Incentive was just line art.  Gosh, remember when I had time to do random side chores like that just ‘cos I felt like it?)