(Historical Notes: More complaining about stuff that isn’t here time.  After all the fuss about Vance all but disappearing from the story, this is the point where Mooney suddenly becomes entirely irrelevant.  I say again, we REALLY needed more of Mooney randomly turning up to be an obstacle, even just for a page or two, because she’s just GONE after this.  heck, she doesn’t necessarily even have to cross paths with Ichabod and Eric again.  She can just be having a fight with Vance somewhere else and the shockwaves could be knocking stuff down across the rest of the station to disrupt the way out.  SOMETHING to keep the all the pieces of this plot still relevant and keep things from getting repetitive.  I know I say this a lot, but this is where The Killer Station of Deadly Doom BADLY needed a full second draft after I’d seen the first take laid out in its entirety and knew how things did and didn’t fit together.)