(Historical Notes: Okay, I’ve already messed up at finding the “start” of Far Out There’s Voting Incentive history once, so I’m not even gonna pretend to be sure I’ve got it right now.  See, Past Me didn’t think to number the image files, and I don’t have access to the old Photobucket account where these were originally hosted to see what order they were posted in.  Also, while the Wayback Machine does have a few versions of the old SmackJeeves page saved, Past Me went and used the Chapters feature, so the dropdown menu doesn’t show any actual page titles from anything other than the chapter the saved page is in.  Oh, but it DID remind me that the old Gallery actually had those one-off comics I’d posted to the original Facebook group BEFORE the first batch of TWC Voting Incentives… which means that even if this IS the first Voting Incentive, I’m still going to have to go back and add more pages before this one.  CRAP.  Anyway, about the Incentive itself… get used to seeing me add weird extra details to Layla’s hair for a while.  Past Me was kind of obsessed with trying to busy up her design.  After all, every young artist with no idea what he’s doing knows that cramming way too many extra details into a drawing is TOTALLY an acceptable substitute for actually knowing how to properly draw the details already in the design!)