(Historical Notes: Beach Episode!  …on the beach of balloon-headed stick people.  Yeah, if I still didn’t have basic human anatomy down when the characters were fully dressed, I had NO business trying to draw everybody in skimpy bathing suits.  I don’t care if Layla IS trying to preserve her modesty with that added shirt, it can’t hide the fact that her head is both freakishly too large and the face is just plain BROKEN.  And this is the “fixed” version, too!  The penciled version that went up first is ever so slightly worse!  But then, Past Me was probably too busy throwing needless extra details into everybody’s hair to bother with minor issues like the bulk of the picture being nightmarish.  Also, this has been a recurring issue for a while, and I bring it up more in the 2011 Incentives, but WOW it’s weird to see Layla drawn so skinny.)