2010 Incentives – page 30
(Historical Notes: Oh man, that gun. THAT was my first mistake. Also, I’ve generally avoided doing much of anything to edit these old Incentives, since that’d make this process take even longer than it already has, and a lot of the problems in these pages are too drastic to solve without fully re-drawing the art. HOWEVER, I had to make an exception on this one and center the text a bit more. In the original, all the text was clinging to the left of the page, with big empty voids over on the other side. I’ve looked past a lot of glaring artistic flaws over the past thirty pages, but that one was the straw that broke the camel’s back.)
kicking her in the void was their worst mistake. what would the change of perspective from immortality do to someone’s idea of revenge? do you think someone would just stop caring because their enemy will die soon anyways? or would they get in a panicked rush. oh god i have to do something to them before i start doing any hobby or next thing i know they will have already died!
Maybe that was part of their reason – Space is really really really big and really really empty – maybe they figured odds are we will all have aged out before she runs into anything solid, thus avoiding the possibility of the immortal invulnerable supercomputer that knows 9,258,414,004 ways to kill you having the opportunity for revenge.