(Historical Notes: You don’t need me to tell you that this particular Incentive went up just after the 2010 Thanksgiving page.  What you might NOT know, unless you read the commentary of the page right after that one, was that this wasn’t originally even going to be an Incentive at all.  This was my first draft for the actual Thanksgiving page, before deciding to focus on the characters everybody actually WANTED to see.  Obviously, I recycled the idea because who doesn’t love Thanksgiving leftovers, but it also creates a bit of an anomaly.  Normally, I make a point to AVOID Voting Incentives tied into Real World holidays, because there’s always somebody who doesn’t celebrate whatever, and it seems smart to have at least SOME content that’s accessible to anybody.  I mean, I still make these comics for myself first and foremost, but that doesn’t mean I have to be ENTIRELY inconsiderate.  Also, I just right now remembered something I hadn’t even thought about in years.  I don’t even remember how I found out about this, but somehow I was made aware that this Incentive was re-posted to some kind of fetish imageboard.  I don’t remember if it was for inflation or male pregnancy or what weird kink, but somebody out there thought it was exciting enough to re-use in that context.  As I write this in 2021, I think that’s as close as Far Out There has come to actual Rule 34.)