(Historical Notes: Hey, Past Me?  Could you maybe never draw Jenna in a bellydancer outfit again?  That’d be great.  Yeeeaaah, there’s a very delicate balance to doing parodies of fanservice without just, ya know, DOING fanservice that the entire anime/manga industry still hasn’t managed to properly work out yet, so you’d better believe that Past Me hadn’t figured a magic formula out yet.  It feels ESPECIALLY skeevy in this instance, since there isn’t even a framing device to attempt to give it some illusion of being satirical.  I don’t think it’s any surprise that this was the last of this little Jenna mini-series, though Past Me was FAR from giving up on the idea.  Oh, but for all my dumping on the bellydancer drawing, that cheerleader outfit should be familiar to anybody who’s ever seen a Far Out There advertisement any time over the past decade.)