(Historical Notes: And speaking of the delicate balance of playing around with fanservice: Layla’s containment suit!  I do still stand by the general idea of doing am old-school pulp scifi spacesuit, which inevitable wound up being really form-fitting, and even the general artistic merit of contrasting blocky, angular extremities with a curvy, rounded center.  But then Past Me goes and deliberately squishes Layla’s boob up against something else, and it’s like “Okay, dude.  Calm down.”  Yes, Past Me can very legitimately contend that those puppies are gonna get in the way all the time, and this is the sort of thing that’ll just happen on a regular basis… but come on.  Past Me is ALSO clearly drawing a little TOO hard from the cheesecake pin-up origins of a lot of those pulp scifi illustrations, and should have thought a little harder about it.)