(Historical Notes: Yup, here’s the second phase of me emptying out my Old Ideas Folder, in this case to show off whole plot lines that were either dropped or just changed drastically.  For the most part, THIS stuff is fully non-canonical, what with the whole “I did something else instead” thing.  Obviously, there’s one major exception, but we’ll get to that later.  Otherwise, there’s not a lot to add to this one, just the fact that you never REALLY know how a story is going to shape up until you actually sit down and start writing it.  That vague, fuzzy concept of the story that you start out with in your head may go one way, but there’s always a ton of nuts and bolts details that you never think about until you start the actual writing.  In the end, it’s those little details that REALLY make up the story, not the Big Picture goal you started out with, and if those two things don’t add up, one of them is gonna have to change to fit the other.  And if you’re releasing your story while you’re in the process of writing it, it HAS to be the end that changes, because what sort of maniac just says “Yeah, never mind what I said earlier” and pretends something ELSE is what happened?  That’d just be LUNACY!)