(Historical Notes: I can’t remember if I’ve ever said this anywhere else, but the character of Tabitha Caligari wasn’t originally conceived for Far Out There at all.  I had this vague notion of a dark comedy about a crazy wizard guy and his teenage daughter who refused to carry on the family business of magic because she preferred mad science instead.  The whole “Tabitha’s Kids” debacle makes a lot more sense when you look at it as a holdover from that early concept.  Because yeah, this would have been an EXTREMELY un-Far Out There project, much more of a Johnny the Homicidal Maniac kind of vibe, which I rather doubt I would have been able to pull off even if there’s WASN’T the whole tonal clash thing to worry about.  Again, there’s a level of commitment involved in going FULL dark that I just don’t think I’ve got in me.  I don’t really wanna be locked into ANY one tone exclusively, but that one especially would get really exhausting really fast.)