(Historical Notes: Two things to discus here.  First, my memory of this page is weirdly different than what actually got drawn.  Up until a day or two ago, I would have told you this page has THREE rows of panels, not two.  I thought there was a middle sequence of Layla running down the hall and bursting into Trigger’s room, rather than her just magically appearing right there.  On the one hand, that’s a lot of panels.  On the other hand, that’s also the sort of thing that would naturally have narration running over it.  And that brings us to the second issue: this is the end of this scene.  That’s it.  We never cut back to “present day” Trigger and Ichabod, and there’s no pay off for why Trigger was telling this story in the first place.  Like, yeah, the emotional core is just seeing the bond between Trigger and Layla in action, but there still needed to be SOME kind of narrative justification for this much digression to be in the main comic.  I dunno, maybe I could have tried to make THAT the payoff, like Ichabod’s opening wondering what Trigger was building towards, and Trigger’s just confused?  Meh, the point is, I couldn’t come up with anything at the time, so this whole sequence was scrapped until I needed a new batch of Voting Incentives.  And yes, there IS more after this!)