The Killer Station of Deadly Doom – page 136
(Historical Notes: So, I was too busy venting about Real Life complications last time to point how how Eric’s need to fill the dead air with running commentary went and jinxed himself, but obvious Eric figured that out for himself. Also, this is another part where I wish Past Me had thought to include another scene of Mooney shooting her way out of a hoard of robots earlier. There’s no room for it HERE, but what does come to follow probably would have worked even better if we had a fresh memory of Mooney’s ruthlessness to contrast with Eric’s meekness.)
See, now if this had been the page where you weren’t sure of the original dialogue, rather than the previous page….
In a shocking twist, it turns out Eric was supposed to be saying “Oh CRUD” this whole time!
Well, it really is a shocking twist when a FOT character uses an actual epithet that’s not lifted from a popular scifi franchise 😉