(Historical Notes: Okay, this is another one of those cases where the sloppy art isn’t just annoying from an aesthetic standpoint, but actively interferes with the joke.  The time-saving technique of just copy/pasting the same hallway and crudely adding some doors in post is SO crude that even I honestly had trouble understanding that’s what was happening in this page… and I drew the freakin’ thing.  To be clear, the principle of repeating the same asset in every frame is sound, since it’d be even more distracting if my sloppy art style resulted the hall itself looking different every time.  But it REALLY shows that Past Me was focused on speed rather than consistency when you look at how sloppy the repeated art actually is, or how plain the doors are, or the lack of any motion lines to provide some sense of movement in these “slamming” doors, or the fact that the pattern on the doors looks WAY too much like that of the hallway.  Heck, I even forgot to erase some of the floor lines in the last panel!  Can you tell I was running out of steam just a little bit?)