(Historical Notes: AAAAAAAAAAND THERE IT IS.  We’ve been watching Layla’s Dad this whole time!  I forget how many people actually called this ahead of time.  I know at least SOMEBODY claimed to have seen the reveal coming as soon as the main comic started doing Layla’s story about her Dad,  which not only overlapped with this but also required me to conspicuously avoid showing Eric’s face in those comics so that the big twist would remain unspoilt.  And just for the record, I totally did NOT have this in mind when I first started plotting out this story.  I think I’d settled on it by the time that I started actually POSTING anything, but at first this really was just going to be some random dude Ichabod crossed paths with once.  I can’t even recall what gave me the idea of making it all pseudo backstory for Layla, but I’m really glad it happened, because I think this does a LOT to elevate the material.)