(Historical Notes: Okay, here’s where the plot starts to get away from be a bit.  I know I like to big up The Killer Station of Deadly Doom as some of my best writing, and I generally stand by that, but it sure as heck ain’t perfect.  Case in point, Vance angrily storms off, and just kind of disappears for a while.  I mean, he remains critically important to the plot, and Ichabod & Eric keep talking about him, but we don’t SEE him again for many, many pages.  This is a critical flaw in presentation, since it make the endless pages of talking feel more repetitive, and it makes the plot points Vance is involved in feel less important.  After all, if we were supposed to care about any of his stuff, surely the author would have the good sense to actually SHOW it happening, instead of just telling us about it, right?  Ya know, “Show, Don’t Tell?”  I mean, Vance doesn’t even exit at the END of the page, but the middle!  Everything about this page seems to be setting up a latter page where Vance is stomping around, angry rambling to himself, and we see him slip further and further into insanity.  But NOPE!)