The Killer Station of Deadly Doom – page 90
(Historical Notes: I legit want this to be, like, Ichabod’s motto in life. It totally fits with the worldview of a life-long nitpicker, and it’s not like it’s NOT true…)
(Historical Notes: I legit want this to be, like, Ichabod’s motto in life. It totally fits with the worldview of a life-long nitpicker, and it’s not like it’s NOT true…)
i disagree. nothing is more ironic than the vast sum of pain and suffering caused by people trying to do the right thing, true. but i believe more pain and suffering has been caused by powerful people doing anything to maintain power. i also think the amount of very bad people directing others to cause pain and suffering on their behalf by saying it is the right thing to do is worth a mention here
I suspect that latter point is probably most of what is meant by Ichabod’s statement – if one bad powerful person, who could have done relatively little harm individually, convinces a million people to do harm thinking they’re doing good, that falls 99.9999% into the “good men trying to do the right thing but causing harm”. One might wonder if, in the absence of bad people who are able to manipulate good people into doing harm, would those good people end up doing good instead. Who knows? I don’t think we’ve ever had an absence of bad people able to manipulate good people into doing harm at any point in human history, and apparently still won’t have by FOT timeframe. We’ll probably never know. 🙁