Posts Tagged Kiki
The best thing about this kind of comic format is I can GUARANTEE that whatever explanation you can imagine for how any of this would happen is funnier than whatever I made up.
And it only took me… HOW many years of saying I wanted to do more with these characters before I finally found an excuse to do so?
Let’s not overlook the fact that, according to this, Madam Ventricle already had the eyepatch BEFORE this happened.
(Historical Notes: I can’t in any way prove this, but I’ve got this gnawing suspicion that this was probably the first time I every said anything about wishing I could find more excuses to use Madam Ventricle & Kiki in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Ladies Night Out at the Mad Scientist Club. Also, I know one of my running gags is being deliberately vague about how old the characters are, but I feel confident in establishing that, at least in MY part[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Okay, Bridget and Alphonse may be the reigning champions of Voting Incentive appearances, at least when The Killer Station of Deadly Doom isn’t around, but I think Madam Ventricle and Kiki are the rulers of me using the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…